Friday, October 31, 2008

A bless in disguise?

Johannes Linn and Colin Bradford of the Brookings Insitution point out in their latest paper titled "Could the Financial Crisis Push Global Governance Reform?" that the Nov 15 economic summit in Washington DC of the heads of state from the G20 industrailised and developing economies could represent a major step toward a new architecture in global financial and economic relations as a first step in global governance reform more broadly.

The Nov 15 summit will be the first ever meeting of G20 countries at head of state level and gives the next president of the United States an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to the G20 as a better global steering committee than the G7/8. Read full article.

Colin Bradford will take part in the inaugural launch of the S.T. Lee Project on Global Governance conference - a multidisplinary reseach project of the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

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